The Bugs!

Last month "Polish Bob" Rogoz and I spent some time in the Bugaboos . We enjoyed good granite, sunshine and storm; in other words, the classic Bugs experience.

Are there really porcupines up Bugaboo Creek, or is it all a myth?

The west face of Snowpatch Spire.

Yoga on the (south) summit of Snowpatch. Photo: Robert Rogoz.

Life and death on the glacier.

Sunrise on the Howser Towers.

A piece of gear should ideally serve more than one function. For instance, a sharpened stick works as an ice axe but also comes in handy for staking vampires.

The sun's first rays warming the top of the Beckey-Choiunard route on South Howser Tower.

The Great White Headwall on the Beckey-Choiunard. Photo: Robert Rogoz.

A disturbing scene on the summit of South Howser Tower.

A Rockies' rat does not like to venture out of sight of his favourite mountains: Bugaboo Spire with the Goodsir Towers in the background.

In the clouds on the summit ridge of Bugaboo Spire.

Bugaboo moonrise.


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